Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This is not "goodbye" it's just "see you later".

It wasn't real until I was standing in front of ninety kids who count on me saying goodbye. I didn't want to admit that it was over. I was leaving them.

Grade 9 Learners
The past few months have been insane. Overnight I became a history teacher and after I spent days being totally overwhelmed I decided to make this my chance to make a difference in the lives of these learners. I took the perspective of "why does this matter to me" and made it matter. I taught the learners how our history impacts our lives today and showed them instances in their lives where they could draw connections. As I taught them, I was learning too. I was realizing how interconnected our world is and how real history can be. I spoke with urgency as the messages I was relaying soon became less out history and more about the future. I empowered these young people to work for change and asked them to never stop searching for justice. We had our ups and downs and plenty of lesson were definitely not what I had planned but as I struggled to teach them, they were teaching me! I was learning more about passion and leadership than I might have expected and they drove me to challenge myself to continue learn more and share everything I can. They wanted to learn. They cared. I know that in some regard I did that. We created a community and together we were shocked and impressed by the material that was introduced. I showed them how history repeats itself and asked them to never give into segregation again. They made me proud. I helped them learn. They helped me grow.

Grade 6 Learners
When I spoke to my grade six learners at the end of the day I wanted to give them the world. I wanted to give them every privilege I have ever had and watch them thrive and excel. I wanted to tell them they have amazing lives to live. Instead all I could do was tell them they are important and as tears were rolling down my face I reminded them to read each day and stand up for themselves with their words and not their fists. They are the youngest in the school and have the most room to improve. I know they can be great. I tried to look at each student and tell them I cared but when I looked around I just saw so many tears. We cried together as I hugged each of them goodbye. I told them to stay strong, stay in school, and do the right thing. It was incredible to see the impact I have had on them and it made me realize that this type of work is so important.

It's times like these when I am sure that the power of education is something bigger than even I can understand. I know that education opens doors and I can only hope that if my learners took one thing from this relationship it's that they need to stay in school and never lose the drive for learning. They are all great kids! They all can  have amazing opportunities if they dream big. One of my students reminded me today that if you set your mind to something you'll achieve it. That's so true. I have seen the power of determination and I know that it is a force that cannot be contested.  I know this isn't going to be my last time in a classroom. Education is too important.

In between the stress and confusion, I know that City Mission Educational Services was the right place for me.I am smiling now recalling the times of chaos and also the times of love and compassion. Here, I was challenged and appreciated. I loved each moment in the classroom and each outing with the staff reminded me I have a family here. I always know I'll have a place to stay and someone to give me a hug when I come back to South Africa. Today confirmed two things for me: education is the most important privilege I have ever had AND I will definitely be coming back to South Africa one day!

This journey has been incredible.I know that I will always be thankful for this opportunity. I will never forget the people who changed my life and when I return home I will take these lessons to heart and  always work toward making a difference and advocating for what is important to me. Therefore, Cape Town, I know for sure, this is not "goodbye" it's just "see you later".

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