Sunday, April 7, 2013

Just Being There Can Mean the World to Someone! (Boys and Girls Clubs of South Africa)

“I feel like a tourist. I want to really get to know the community and the people.”
 (my thoughts after two days in Johannesburg, South Africa)
On Monday we had a great day at the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Africa in Soweto. I was all ready with my Boys and Girls Club Staff shirt and so excited to be somewhere familiar and comfortable. I love the work that the Club does and brining this initiative to South Africa could not have been more appropriate or necessary. Providing a safe space for youth in struggling communities doesn’t have a price and the benefits are endless when each day that a child walks inside the club it’s one more day they are not on the streets or in danger. Empowering youth to make the choice to get involved in something great is the best gift anyone could provide.

When we arrived the children were so happy to see us and even if we were tired I found a sense of energy and excitement.  We all thought we’d be playing with the kids the whole day but there was work to be done! Once we heard that we were ready to help in any way possible.  It was great to give back and soon we were painting, gardening, cleaning, creating and constructing alongside the kids at the club. We went full force intent on leaving a legacy and producing finished products. I think I had the best job of all. Since I had experience with Boys and Girls Club I was asked to help our supervising and making sure things were going well. In reality that meant that I should find odd jobs and just enjoy. My primary job was to take pictures but when that got tiring I had fun interacting with some of the kids from the club. Instantly they respected me and together we worked to water plants and clean some of the outdoor games while talking and having fun. They didn’t even want to let me help because they were so intent or doing the work themselves. When I saw the pride they had for their space I was so moved. Often we talk about how resources are being misused or that there is not enough. Although this building is small the opportunities it provides can never be stifled. For once this community wins! The kids win! It gave me hope where sometimes I’ve felt defeated.

 I loved this day because it was so fun. It was nice to see our whole group come together. Often we are all working on individual projects or getting together in small groups. This was a comfortable feeling. It reminded me of City Year (a year-long full time service program through Americorps) and all the times that a day of service changed my life. I loved working with the kids to change their “home away from home” and to leave my mark. It didn’t have to be big or extravagant by any means but knowing that our time and energy would help them in some way made me smile. This familiar feeling was just what I needed. It felt so good to be back there, even if just in my mind.
Leaving was the hardest part. After working, dancing, eating, singing and having fun just hanging out we had to get back on the bus. With our new Boys and Girls Clubs shirts and our hearts filled with emotion we slowly got on the bus. It was so hard to leave because even after only one day the kids were attached to us and we loved them so much; I’ll never forget their smiles even when I get  home. They asked us if we’d return the next day and some of the younger ones cried. I couldn’t believe that we had made such a big impact but I knew it felt good although at the same time it was so difficult knowing that this was only temporary. I guess everything is in some respect. Now that I understand the difficulties of growing up in the townships I realize how important and exceptional this day was for the kids. In a world where kids are expected to grow up so quickly and the boundaries between childhood, adolescence and adulthood are not always clear, it can mean the so much just to be a kid. I learned that there is immeasurable value in making a child feel safe, important and protected. I definitely got my wish and had a chance to be more than a tourist and I couldn’t be more appreciate of being welcomed into a community as an equal and made to feel at home. I am so lucky!

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