Thursday, January 17, 2013

Penguin Fun and Beach Beauty!

Today was spectacular.  We started off mostly refreshed and although the shower was cold and the coffee was weak we were so ready! And it's funny because we could never have know what we were getting ourselves into. We started the day at such an amazing beautiful sight. From the nature to the architecture I could not stop saying "Oh my God" like we had never seen water or houses before because something brilliant replaced any concept of a home or a beach that I had ever had!

We stopped at Maiden's Cove at Camps Bay and took amazing pictures. It is unbelievable how outstanding these sights are. These pictures do not do it justice at all. Here, seeing it is believing because there is no better way to get this message across.  A place so rich in history and beauty is often underrated to me it seems but it shouldn't be because it is something I never expected. It's so gorgeous here and refreshing. The colors are vibrant and bright as are the people and these experiences.  We were so  photo happy but how could you not be when there is a mix of green and blue water, huge rocks and mountains surrounding you? It is unbelievable that we are here and still not even real. I wonder when things will feel like a routine. Since this feels like a joke, my imagination. Then I remind myself that I could not ever imagine something is great so it must be real!

We made our way to Cape Point but not without stopping just once more to gawk at the sights and scenery. We took photos and even so I believe that you would truly need to be here to believe this because it is wonderful and words cannot do this place justice one single bit. We spent the hour bus ride taking more pictures. Blue waters, cute homes, and never ending scenery kept our hunger subsided and made the ride feel short. It was nice because we got to get  a feel for the geography of Cape Town and understand how and where people live. We saw townships that were created historically for "coloured"  people during the Apartheid and it was an amazing contrast to the expensive homes and fancy lifestyles we saw just minutes before. The drive was informative and helpful but mostly beautiful!

When we got to Two Oceans restaurant and Cape Point we were ready to eat. It was very touristy but the food was amazing. Fresh juicy sushi and vegetables finally! I was happy with the food and so full. When we made our way to the lighthouse the walk was difficult but so worth the view. We were all reminded that we are quite out of shape and we need to get back in shape to accomplish all the hikes and trails we want to travel. We were exhausted after our hike and there was still more to do. The most exciting part of our day was just beginning.

When we arrived at Boulder's Beach I was not sure what to expect.  There were actual penguins and they were wonderful! We acted like such tourists taking pictures and videos and documenting their lives like we actually knew what they were up to.  Pictures and funny voices of course accompanied this experience. Then we got to swim with the penguins on the beach. We all rolled up our pants and climbed in to get photos up close and personal with the penguins who were totally used to our company.  They just stood there and posed like it was their job. I loved seeing them because they were just so cute and who knew that we could get so close to them! I was shocked and happy because in one day we saw the 12 apostles, a natural wonder of the world (Table Mountain) and penguins!!  We left promising to come back and spend an entire day swimming and playing around.  On the bus ride home we all just passed out. Many of us had sunburns and were exhausted and although there were so many pretty things to see, all we could do was sleep.

Soon we will get settled at UCT and also go to Signal Hill and get to view the entire layout of Cape Town which I expect to be just as breathtaking as all the other sights we've seen so far! 

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