Thursday, February 28, 2013

Getting To The Top!

A glimmer of sun along the route to the top!

I don’t think any amount of research or planning could have prepared me for Monday night's amazing, incredible, unreal experience. Climbing Lion's Head on the eve of the full moon is a Cape Town must! Ever since we heard about it during orientation I knew that was one hike I was not going to miss. The one thing is, I didn't realize this "hike" was actually a "climb" but the semantics don't matter too much. As we started to climb I was really excited but I realized quickly that I was in no shape to be climbing mountains! Either way we progressed on and each beautiful clearing motivated me to keep moving. We embraced the African concept of Ubuntu as we waited for each other and felt encouragement from everyone around as some passed us and we passed others. The ascent was truly unbelievable. I was just thinking the entire time how much I've been able to do in my life and I felt exhilarated but also sad because I wondered if I'd ever be in Cape Town again to see this sight. With that in mind I appreciated every moment and just kept climbing.  I'm pretty sure we thought of every song possible to keep us going and the fun basically never stopped.

Approaching the vertical climb
The hardest part of the climb was when we got to a straight vertical climb. Essentially we were scaling rocks by grabbing on to slippery handles and chains. Breathing heavily I caught a glimpse of this challenge as got closer. I was already a bit scared because the path was really narrow but this was terrifying to me. As it got closer to my turn I realized that there was no turning back. I told myself that thousands of people have done this before me and they were all fine. It didn't take away the fear and what made it worse was that my hands were getting sweatier and sweatier as I wasted time, holding up the line, staring straight up at what I must do. I started to climb and over and over again I came down. I was confused where to put my feet. I knew my height was a huge disadvantage.  The support I received from everyone around me was outstanding. People offered to carry my bag and one guy even stood behind me with his arms up to "catch" me if I fell. Everyone was saying "you can do it" and helping me to place my feet in the right spots and make it to the top. I was absolutely terrified. This was the most scared I've been in my whole life. I was almost to the top when I realized I didn't leave enough room for my left foot. I would have to hop over a bit to make room. So, I found myself standing straight up on my right leg, gripping these slippery chains for dear life and my left leg dangling in the air. I almost froze but I knew that there was nothing I could do if I stopped. Without thinking I just went for it and this was where I expected I would fall. I basically said to myself if I fall now then I fall and otherwise I make it but I can't do nothing. I felt myself slipping and turned toward my backside for more stability. It all happened so fast but somehow I ended up sitting with my back on a small ledge and my feet on a rock in front of me. I was shaking. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to move. I knew I was safe but somehow I felt more scared than when I began. After a few minutes I was able to get up off the ledge and climb up to the top where there were no more chains and it was even ground. I just looked around and started to cry. I don't think I was crying because I was scared I was relieved and as I sat on a rock catching my breath everyone walked by and patted my back and said good job! It was the craziest thing to me and also really beautiful. Everyone was there for the experience and part of the experience was helping and encouraging others along the way.

At the top of Lion's Head
We continued to climb up the rocks. The entire top part of the mountain is just rocks and there were a few more scary moments but now we were so close to reaching the top. Then sun was beginning to set and my determination to see this sight was probably the only thing moving my legs. I remember being shocked at the ease at which some people  climbed. One guy even carried a small dog with him. REALLY! How could he do that? I let people pass me as I strategically planned each move and up, up we went. Although I thought this would go on forever, we finally made it to the top! It was worth it! To my left was the setting sun over the Atlantic Ocean and to my right was the glowing, full moon rising over Cape Town. It was incredible. I was running back and forth taking pictures not sure which scene I liked better and knowing that too soon the sun would be gone. I just stood there immersed in thought and emotions. I wanted so badly to capture this moment forever so I stood there in amazement. Just as the last glimpse of the sun went away I felt mystified.  It was beautiful and serene and for just a moment even if there was sound around me I couldn't hear it. Then everyone applauded and once again I felt this huge community surrounding me. Regardless of who you are or where you came from this was an experience shared by all and that was really special.

 After the ominous colors of yellow, red, pink, and orange had left the sky and all we could see now was the moon high above us and the glittering lights of Cape Town down below the sounds of Bob Marley inspired us to make our way down.  I was scared again but more than that I felt appreciation and also pride. I had accomplished something much bigger than myself and would definitely remember this experience forever. As we climbed back down the mountain I remember using my arms to push myself down from the rocks because my legs felt like jello. We were among hundreds of people who had made it and when I reached the final leg of this adventure the lyrics repeated in my head…
Just after the sun disappeared from view

"Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right. 
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!" 

I smiled to myself and repeated this mantra. I knew that this was a day of excitement but more than that it was a day of change. Somehow being alone in my thoughts but united in this experience I began to thrive. I keep saying that I'm wondering when the brilliance of Cape Town will wear off. It's not going to. I'm riding this high until I get on that plane. There's just no other way to live! Seize each moment, take every opportunity, and don't stop until you've achieved your goal!

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